Products > Policy

Policy solutions stop at borders.

Infectious disease does not.

Business is the most reliable way to solve global challenges.

The world fumbled our way through the pandemic – not least because of bad marketing.

Marc Andreessen’s April 2020 essay, It’s Time to Build, resonated with us.

Someone needed to help build our way out of this mess. Why not us?

But how?

We needed to reframe the problem.

Desirable: Simpler,  resilient products with fewer side effects

Viable: globally accessible cost structure yet profitable enough for effective marketing.

Feasible: Safe, effective and globally scalable.

No existing solutions met these criteria.


Heroic citizen entrepreneurs banded together when the pandemic hit in March 2020

Adderall x Mars x McDonalds x ARCH Venture Partners x DARPA x Stanford x Gatorade x J&J 

We revisited biology to understand how our bodies naturally cope with infections

We knew that our white blood cells are constantly fighting off viral, bacterial and fungal infections

What if we could bottle our biology and deliver it to consumers to help them protect themselves in real time?

After >3 years of hard work…

We did it.


fast-acting universal antivirals for every/body,

the future of infection protection